✨ 作品亮点解析
Midjourney是一款先进的人工智能绘图软件,能够根据用户提供的文本提示生成高质量的图像。它利用深度学习技术,理解用户的意图,并将其转化为视觉艺术作品。用户只需输入描述,Midjourney便能在短时间内创造出独特而生动的图像,广泛应用于插画、设计和艺术创作等领域。 在一个宽敞而温馨的书房中,一个两岁的小女孩正兴致勃勃地探索父亲的“解剖学”书。她有着乌黑的短发,头上戴着一顶黄色的圆形帽子,帽子上还点缀着一个可爱的小白兔卡通装饰,增添了几分俏皮。她的粉红色袖子与嫣红色外套形成鲜明对比,外套上
🎨 创作提示词
In a spacious study, there is a 2-year-old girl with short black hair and a yellow round hat. On the front left of the hat, there is a small white cartoon bunny decoration. She is wearing a pink sleeve mixed with bright red coat. On the front of the coat, there are cute half-body rabbit prints, and the lower half of the rabbit is the letters “hare.” She is wearing black pants and white shoes. The little girl has found her father’s “Anatomy” book and is flipping through it page by page. –ar 9:16 –v 6.0
📝 完整提示词参数
In a spacious study, there is a 2-year-old girl with short black hair and a yellow round hat. On the front left of the hat, there is a small white cartoon bunny decoration. She is wearing a pink sleeve mixed with bright red coat. On the front of the coat, there are cute half-body rabbit prints, and the lower half of the rabbit is the letters “hare.” She is wearing black pants and white shoes. The little girl has found her father’s “Anatomy” book and is flipping through it page by page. –ar 9:16 –q 1 –v 6.0
🚀 如何创作类似作品?
想要创作出类似的 AI 艺术作品?只需要简单几步:
- 访问 Midjourney 中文版
- 注册账号获得免费生成次数
- 复制上方提供的提示词
- 根据需要调整参数
- 一键生成你的专属 AI 艺术作品
Midjourney 中文版特点:
- ✅ 无需魔法,国内直接访问
- ✅ 支持手机、电脑、平板多端使用
- ✅ 中文界面,提示词自动翻译
- ✅ 支持文生图、图生图等完整功能
- ✅ 提供海量参考案例和提示词
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