✨ 作品亮点解析
Midjourney是一款先进的绘图软件,专注于利用人工智能生成高质量的图像。用户通过输入关键词和提示词,软件会根据这些信息创作出独特的视觉作品。它在艺术创作、概念设计和视觉表达方面展现了强大的能力,受到许多艺术家和设计师的青睐。 在一个现代化的工厂内部,一辆高科技的搬运巡航汽车如同黑色闪电一般穿梭于各个生产线之间。它的外形流线型,配备着先进的传感器和智能导航系统,展现出未来科技的无限可能。车身以深邃的黑色为主,细节处则融入了炫目的红色灯光,仿佛在黑暗中划出一道耀眼的光芒。汽车悄无声息地移动,带着一
🎨 创作提示词
高科技搬运巡航汽车行驶在工厂中,风格以炫酷和科技感为主,颜色以黑色和红色为基调–ar 16:9
“The high-tech transport cruise vehicle glides through the factory, exuding a sleek and futuristic aura. Its dominant style boasts a combination of coolness and technological prowess, while its color scheme revolves around the tones of black and red- AR 16:9.” –ar 16:9 –v 6.0
📝 完整提示词参数
“The high-tech transport cruise vehicle glides through the factory, exuding a sleek and futuristic aura. Its dominant style boasts a combination of coolness and technological prowess, while its color scheme revolves around the tones of black and red- AR 16:9.” –ar 16:9 –q 2 –s 100 –v 6.0
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