翻开书,书为两个铝箔餐盒,餐盒上面印这各种尺寸大小的铝箔餐盒 – AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

翻开书,书为两个铝箔餐盒,餐盒上面印这各种尺寸大小的铝箔餐盒 - 这是一幅使用 Midjourney AI 创作的艺术作品。Midjourney是一款基于人工智能的绘图软件,旨在通过用户输入的提示词生成高质量的图像。它利用深度学习算法,结合丰富的艺术风格和主题,帮助用户将想象中的画面具象化。用户可以通过简单的描述,得到符合...

✨ 作品亮点解析

Midjourney是一款基于人工智能的绘图软件,旨在通过用户输入的提示词生成高质量的图像。它利用深度学习算法,结合丰富的艺术风格和主题,帮助用户将想象中的画面具象化。用户可以通过简单的描述,得到符合其意图的艺术作品,广泛应用于设计、插画、广告等领域。 在一个静谧的午后,我翻开一本书,惊奇地发现这本书的封面竟然是两个铝箔餐盒。它们的表面闪烁着微微的金属光泽,仿佛在诉说着无尽的故事。餐盒上印着各种尺寸和形状的铝箔餐盒图案,像是一个迷你世界,里面藏着生活的点滴。每一只餐盒都承载着不同的记忆,有的

🎨 创作提示词




“Unfolding the book, it reveals two aluminum foil lunchboxes, adorned with various sizes and dimensions of aluminum foil lunchboxes.” –ar 1:1 –v 6.0

📝 完整提示词参数

“Unfolding the book, it reveals two aluminum foil lunchboxes, adorned with various sizes and dimensions of aluminum foil lunchboxes.” –ar 1:1 –q 1 –s 100 –v 6.0

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An intricate and symmetrical mandala pattern with retro groovy flowers in pastel orange, teal blue, and beige background. The highly detailed design showcases the beauty of floral motifs arranged around an empty center space for text or imagery., creating a visually appealing composition that captures elegance and nostalgia in the style of focus on face. --ar 128:107  - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

2024-12-5 16:34:08


An intricate and symmetrical mandala pattern with retro groovy flowers in pastel orange, teal blue, and beige background. The highly detailed design showcases the beauty of floral motifs arranged around an empty center space for text or imagery. This vector illustration combines elements from both traditional Mexican art styles and modern graphic designs, creating a visually appealing composition that captures elegance and nostalgia in the style of focus on face. - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

2024-12-5 16:34:27

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