Two male college students are sitting in the classroom, with eerie red balloons scattered around. Outside the classroom, there is a warm green scene – AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

Two male college students are sitting in the classroom, with eerie red balloons scattered around. Outside the classroom, there is a warm green scene - 这是一幅使用 Midjourney AI 创作的艺术作品。Midjourney是一款基于人工智能的绘图软件,能够通过用户输入的提示词生成高质量的图像。它利用深度学习算法分析用户的描述,从而创造出独特的视觉作品,广泛应用于艺术创作、设计构思和概念艺术等领域。 ...

✨ 作品亮点解析

Midjourney是一款基于人工智能的绘图软件,能够通过用户输入的提示词生成高质量的图像。它利用深度学习算法分析用户的描述,从而创造出独特的视觉作品,广泛应用于艺术创作、设计构思和概念艺术等领域。 在一间静谧的教室内,两名男大学生坐在课桌前,神情凝重,周围飘荡着几只诡异的红色气球,仿佛在无声地注视着他们。教室的墙壁透出一种压抑的气氛,与那些鲜艳的气球形成鲜明对比。窗外则是一片温暖的绿色世界,阳光洒在郁郁葱葱的树木上,鸟儿在枝头欢快地歌唱,仿佛在呼唤着教室内

🎨 创作提示词


Two male college students are sitting in the classroom, with eerie red balloons scattered around. Outside the classroom, there is a warm green scene


“Two young men, clad in collegiate attire, occupy the classroom amidst an array of eerie, crimson-hued balloons. Beyond the confines of the room, a tranquil verdant landscape unfolds, bathed in a soothing warmth.” –ar 16:9 –iw 1.8 –v 6.0

📝 完整提示词参数

“Two young men, clad in collegiate attire, occupy the classroom amidst an array of eerie, crimson-hued balloons. Beyond the confines of the room, a tranquil verdant landscape unfolds, bathed in a soothing warmth.” –ar 16:9 –iw 1.8 –q 1 –s 100 –v 6.0

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椅子具有抽象的设计特点,可能不遵循传统的形状和结构。椅子的外形与常规椅子有所不同,可能具有扭曲、弯曲或不规则的形状。椅子的各个部分紧密结合,形成一个整体,没有明显的分界。椅子的主要颜色为白色,营造简洁、干净的视觉效果。椅子的独特性和与众不同的外形。椅子的设计富有创意和创新性椅子的形状具有抽象艺术的特征。椅子的样式突破了传统的设计模式。直接形容椅子的形状奇特或怪异。给人一种具有未来感或科技感的印象。 这把椅子采用白色的一体化设计,其变形的外观呈现出独特的抽象风格,极具创意和未来感。 - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

2024-11-28 11:23:27


From a bird's eye view, in the vast expanse of a wheat field, on the right side of the scene stands a cool 40-year-old bald man. He is wearing a white t-shirt and work pants, striking a pose with his profile facing left. In his hands, he holds a camera with a very long lens, capturing a distant shot. The style is reminiscent of American comic book heroes, with a sculptural quality enhanced by cinematic lighting. The image is rendered in stunning 8k resolution, with incredibly realistic details. The aspect ratio is 16:9. - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

2024-11-28 11:23:52

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