After navigating the labyrinthine Amazon rainforest, Professor Johnson and his expedition party stumble upon a weathered shack, overgrown with vines and steeped in antiquity. Within its walls, they make a startling discovery—a timeworn journal chronicling the journey of the vanished explorer. As they pore over its pages, they learn of a cryptic ritual rumored to unveil the whereabouts of the enigmatic “Heartland.” – AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

After navigating the labyrinthine Amazon rainforest, Professor Johnson and his expedition party stumble upon a weathered shack, overgrown with vines and steeped in antiquity. Within its walls, they make a startling discovery—a timeworn journal chronicling the journey of the vanished explorer. As they pore over its pages, they learn of a cryptic ritual rumored to unveil the whereabouts of the enigmatic "Heartland." - 这是一幅使用 Midjourney AI 创作的艺术作品。Midjourney是一款强大的绘图软件,利用先进的人工智能技术,能够根据用户输入的提示词生成精美的视觉作品。通过深度学习算法,Midjourney能够理解文字描述的细节,创造出独特的艺术风格,适用于...

✨ 作品亮点解析

Midjourney是一款强大的绘图软件,利用先进的人工智能技术,能够根据用户输入的提示词生成精美的视觉作品。通过深度学习算法,Midjourney能够理解文字描述的细节,创造出独特的艺术风格,适用于各种创作需求,从概念艺术到插图都能轻松应对。 在经历了亚马逊雨林的复杂迷宫后,约翰逊教授带领的探险队在茂密的藤蔓中发现了一间古老的木屋,屋外被岁月侵蚀得面目全非,仿佛是遗忘在时间长河中的一处秘境。走进这间小屋,他们的目光被一本布满尘埃的旧日记吸引。翻开那泛黄的页面,探险者的故事跃然纸上,字里行间透露出神

🎨 创作提示词


After navigating the labyrinthine Amazon rainforest, Professor Johnson and his expedition party stumble upon a weathered shack, overgrown with vines and steeped in antiquity. Within its walls, they make a startling discovery—a timeworn journal chronicling the journey of the vanished explorer. As they pore over its pages, they learn of a cryptic ritual rumored to unveil the whereabouts of the enigmatic “Heartland.”


After navigating the labyrinthine Amazon rainforest, Professor Johnson and his expedition party stumble upon a weathered shack, overgrown with vines and steeped in antiquity. Within its walls, they make a startling discovery–a timeworn journal chronicling the journey of the vanished explorer. As they pore over its pages, they learn of a cryptic ritual rumored to unveil the whereabouts of the enigmatic “Heartland.” –ar 16:9 –v 6.0

📝 完整提示词参数

After navigating the labyrinthine Amazon rainforest, Professor Johnson and his expedition party stumble upon a weathered shack, overgrown with vines and steeped in antiquity. Within its walls, they make a startling discovery—a timeworn journal chronicling the journey of the vanished explorer. As they pore over its pages, they learn of a cryptic ritual rumored to unveil the whereabouts of the enigmatic “Heartland.” –ar 16:9 –q 2 –s 100 –v 6.0

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cat - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

2024-11-27 13:05:47


可爱的小鱼,鱼缸 - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

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