Amidst the towering trees and tangled undergrowth of the Amazon, Professor Johnson and his intrepid team navigate through the dense jungle, following the trail of the lost explorer in search of the elusive Heartland. Equipped with machetes and determination, they forge ahead into the unknown, ready to uncover ancient secrets hidden within the depths of the rainforest. – AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

Amidst the towering trees and tangled undergrowth of the Amazon, Professor Johnson and his intrepid team navigate through the dense jungle, following the trail of the lost explorer in search of the elusive Heartland. Equipped with machetes and determination, they forge ahead into the unknown, ready to uncover ancient secrets hidden within the depths of the rainforest. - 这是一幅使用 Midjourney AI 创作的艺术作品。Midjourney是一款基于人工智能的绘图软件,能够将文本提示转化为生动的图像。用户可以通过输入描述性语言,生成具有高质量和丰富细节的艺术作品,适用于插画、概念设计等多个领域。Midjourney不...

✨ 作品亮点解析

Midjourney是一款基于人工智能的绘图软件,能够将文本提示转化为生动的图像。用户可以通过输入描述性语言,生成具有高质量和丰富细节的艺术作品,适用于插画、概念设计等多个领域。Midjourney不仅提供了创作的灵活性,还激发了用户的想象力,帮助他们探索视觉艺术的无尽可能性。 在茂密的亚马逊丛林中,参天的大树高耸入云,错综复杂的植被交织成一片神秘的绿海,约翰逊教授和他勇敢的团队如同探险者般,深入这片未知的领域,踏寻失落探险家的足迹,渴望找到那神秘的心脏地带。手握砍刀,他们的决心如同刀锋一般锐利,向前

🎨 创作提示词


Amidst the towering trees and tangled undergrowth of the Amazon, Professor Johnson and his intrepid team navigate through the dense jungle, following the trail of the lost explorer in search of the elusive Heartland. Equipped with machetes and determination, they forge ahead into the unknown, ready to uncover ancient secrets hidden within the depths of the rainforest.


Amidst the towering trees and tangled undergrowth of the Amazon, Professor Johnson and his intrepid team navigate through the dense jungle, following the trail of the lost explorer in search of the elusive Heartland. Equipped with machetes and determination, they forge ahead into the unknown, ready to uncover ancient secrets hidden within the depths of the rainforest. –ar 16:9 –v 6.0

📝 完整提示词参数

Amidst the towering trees and tangled undergrowth of the Amazon, Professor Johnson and his intrepid team navigate through the dense jungle, following the trail of the lost explorer in search of the elusive Heartland. Equipped with machetes and determination, they forge ahead into the unknown, ready to uncover ancient secrets hidden within the depths of the rainforest. –ar 16:9 –q 2 –s 100 –v 6.0

🚀 如何创作类似作品?

想要创作出类似的 AI 艺术作品?只需要简单几步:

  1. 访问 Midjourney 中文版
  2. 注册账号获得免费生成次数
  3. 复制上方提供的提示词
  4. 根据需要调整参数
  5. 一键生成你的专属 AI 艺术作品

Midjourney 中文版特点:

  • ✅ 无需魔法,国内直接访问
  • ✅ 支持手机、电脑、平板多端使用
  • ✅ 中文界面,提示词自动翻译
  • ✅ 支持文生图、图生图等完整功能
  • ✅ 提供海量参考案例和提示词

现在注册即可获得 20 张免费生成次数,快来创作属于你的 AI 艺术作品吧!


3维IP形象,C4D风格,白色背景,静物摄影 - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

2024-11-27 13:05:20


cat - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

2024-11-27 13:05:47

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